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Are you depressed?

Yesterday's service is church was so good. My Pastor spoke about depression and how many people (Christians included) are walking around depressed. This is something that I often think about. I realize how depressed the whole world is, even wealthy people are clinically depressed. 

In the Black culture it is weird to receive help in the form of counseling, therapy, etc. When I first realized I was depressed, I was 20 years old, and the first thing I did was pray, then I went to a counselor. It didn't help much, but I only went for one session, so maybe my experience isn't accurate. However, she did help me get down to the root of a lot of issues. 

People who are depressed and know it, is one thing, but for those who are depressed and don't know it...that is sad and scary. Who wants to go through life depressed? 

Signs that you may depressed:

  • Feeling sad most of the time
  • No longer interested in things that used to interest you
  • Too little sleep or too much sleep
  • Loss of energy
  • Overeating or not eating enough
  • Unable to concentrate
  • Thoughts of suicide
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should see your doctor soon. Search and destroy those things that shouldn't be. 


  1. U know what I don't like about African Americans and mental illness is that, ppl don't believe they should get help taking meds and going to a counselor. Praying while it is a amazing tool, cannot work on it's own. Faith without works is dead. So until the person works on themselves along with prayer, they will not get better.

  2. you should give counseling another try. it has worked wonders for me.
