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In the Words (of Satan) - The Arrows

A great friend of mine shared this with me... I absolutely LOVE this!


  1. I saw this for the first time on Saturday and was mesmerized! I wish everyone could see it so they too will know the truth.

  2. I've been aware of the wiles of the devil for 30 years, having been born again at age 19, whuh-oh, make that 31 years. I just turned *choke* 50. 30 years and I was spooked for days after viewing "In the words of satan" by South African band, the Arrows. I have a renewed burden for people and it's refreshing! I have an adjusted outlook at the most powerful force encountered by man, which is not a lying fallen angel, but the Love from the Father, the Holy Spirit and the Son. It's that love that cannot be adequately dealt with by non-believers. Ever. And He loves through us. That's a privilege!
