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Do you believe in prophecy?

 For those who don't know, I work for an Christian organization. Today while we were praying, one of my co-workers began to prophecy. I don't know about everyone else, but everything she said to me was on point. My aunt always told me that prophecy should be confirmation, and it was. The Lord really used her to confirm a few things that I had been pondering about. 

I grew up in the church, since the age of 8, so I have always believed in prophecy. Although I am familiar with the gift of prophecy, it blows my mind that the Lord thinks of us. Not only does He think of us, He knows us by name, and He sends a personal word to us. These words are sent to encourage, edify, and clarify. Now that's love.

What about you guys? Do you believe in prophecy? Have you ever been prophesied to? What did you think?

"What is man that you are mindful of him?"
Psalms 8:4


  1. I'm with you I definitely believe in prophecy! I love that you said "it blows my mind that the Lord thinks of us. Not only does He think of us, He knows us by name, and He sends a personal word to us." Isn't that beautiful! =) God is so good.



  2. I do believe in prophecy...although I didn't at first. It took me growing up and going through some things for me to understand what it meant for someone to speak something over my life. I was prophesised to by a lady that is in ministry and my mom would constantly remind me of what she said (i was very young..I don't even think I could talk) and I began seeing what was spoken happen in my life. so yes. definitely. but I do think people have to be very careful because there is a such thing as false prophecy to.
