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Follow me... I switched over...

Hey guys! I finally switched over to Wordpress. If you're a blogger then you know how AWESOME wordpress is for blogging. Please follow my blog (again) at:


Thanks boos!


Today I Am A Muslim Too?

source: globalgrind.com

Today there was a rally in Times Square to support interfaith solidarity.

"Taking place in response to upcoming Congressional hearings led by Peter King (R-LI), rally-goers will stand together against bigotry caused by anxiety, misinformation, and ignorance, to show Congress a united American community which seeks to strengthen - not dilute - our bonds of friendship and trust." (www.globalgrind.com)

I understand their intent, but Russel Simmons tweeted something yesterday that got under my skin: "Jews, Christians, Muslims, Atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, Yogis---WE ARE ONE!"

As a Christian who follows Jesus, it is very offensive to put me in the same category as an atheist and non-believers. I respect people of different religions, but I am not one with them. Once again, I RESPECT them, but Simmons comment is taking it too far. I will never deny Jesus for the sake of peace. I will not stand up for hate and I definitely don't think Muslims should be targeted, etc. Is it necessary to influence people of different faiths (including Christians) to proclaim "Today I Am A Muslim Too"? For the sake of "peace" you denounce your religion for one day? Absolutely not. 

As we approach LENT season I am reminded of what Jesus did on the cross. This is not him, but the movie Passion Of The Christ did a pretty good job...

source: listal.com

That image says enough. What do you guys think? Are they taking it too far?

"The BIGGEST Loser" by Karness

Hey guys! Check out my brother delivering this amazing piece. I struggle with my weight, so this poem is definitely encouraging. Enjoy!

Would you leave everything you know?

source: georgeglazer.com

The other morning I woke up extremely sad. In 2007-2008 I traveled to Zambia (twice), Mexico, and New Orleans to do mission work. I had the honor of building orphanages, homes, working in a clinic, and meeting beautiful people. I miss it. 

I once heard someone say "Pray for the places you've visited and for the places you'll go." I admit that I haven't prayed enough for the places I've been. I forgot about the prisoners in Mexico that I ministered to. I forgot about the people in Louisiana who shared their "Hurricane Katrina" stories with me. I forgot about the family I lived with in Zambia. And now it's all coming back to me, in waves. I spent the entire day overwhelmed. True, I must spend more time praying for these places, but is that all? Does it all end here? Will I ever see them again? Somewhere deep inside of me I know that this isn't the end. I was made for more. We were made for more.

At times I feel like I'm supposed to live in one of these places for three months at a time, leaving everything I know, and doing the will of my Father. I don't know how this will look, but I am ready.

Remembering the word spoken to me.


I can't please people all the time...

I can't

This song has really been blessing me. Sometimes I struggle with people pleasing as well. Enjoy!


Modeling for ABC 7 news & my weekend in photos :)

Hey guys! Last Monday (Presidents Day) I had a chance to model for a news segment on ABC 7 Chicago. This is most definitely an experience that I'm grateful for. 

Also, over the weekend my friend Tasha came to visit me. We went to Poetry For The Soul and I showed her a little bit of the diversity that exists in Chicago. I live for memories like this. 

Check me out in the studio... I should have asked if they were hiring..lbs

Everyone signs their name on this wall in the greenroom:

So of course I had to sign mine:

The studio and set:

I was so nervous, but thank God I didn't fall. I've attached a link for you to watch me rip the runway...hehehe...
Tasha came to visit! We ate, worshipped and fellowshipped. :)

Check out the rings we purchased:

We feasted on Indian food...yum yum:

Poetry For The Soul...us with the poets:

The next day we hit up Chinatown...praise God for that curry chicken!

Thankful for an amazing weekend, but looking forward to rest.
Here's the link for the modeling segment: http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?section=resources&id=7970857